Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Global, Multiethnic MAGA Movement - Edward Ring


by Edward Ring

For reasons that are both moral and pragmatic, a global movement that victoriously defends Western Civilization must accept everyone who is sincerely committed to the project.



Starting in the 1950s, the conservative movement gradually evolved in two fundamental ways. On one hand, they created a durable coalition of pro-business conservatives, religious conservatives, and Cold War hawks. At the same time, largely under the leadership of William F. Buckley Jr. at the National Review, the movement was purged of factions that were considered extreme; racists and anti-Semites. Sometimes dubbed fusionism, the movement eventually propelled Ronald Reagan to the presidency and handed control of the U.S. Congress to the Republicans.

The legacy of Reagan and the Republican Party he led through the 1980s is mixed. He won the Cold War and deregulated industry. He also embarked on a debt-fueled spending binge that grew the federal government far beyond the limits he had promised to uphold. But for better or for worse, the fusionism that defined the Reagan era is obsolete today. In its place, conservatives are coalescing again, this time in defense of Western Civilization itself. It is a movement that spans continents, and if it falters, who we are and how we live will be lost forever.

Just as it was more than a half-century ago, this new movement needs to form a coalition in order to have sufficient power to realign America, the UK, Australia, Canada, and other Western European nations in favor of conservatives. And just as it was back then, it also needs to purge itself of those factions that alienate people they ought to welcome. If these two things can be accomplished, we have the potential to build an international movement that shares principles and political objectives and attracts a supermajority of voters that sweeps aside established regimes.

The unifying principles of this movement are rooted in common sense. Enforce the law vigorously and equally. Permit free speech. Respect private property. Require reciprocity in trade with other nations, and preserve essential industries including farming and manufacturing. Protect the environment, but end the fraudulent “climate crisis” policies that are nothing more than a transfer of wealth and power to politicians and monopolists. Deregulate industries so corporations have to compete again on price, and redirect public investment into practical infrastructure and away from costly “green” solutions that are neither green nor solutions. Invest in technological military supremacy, which will deter most conflicts.

If every nation embraced these principles in the interests of their own citizens, it would not lead to a fragmentation of the “world order.” It would enhance a community of like-minded nations, all committed to democracy, and lead to an explosion of middle-class prosperity and upward mobility. The only losers would be government bureaucracies and expansionist corporations. But what of the other half of this dawning and necessary evolution of our movement? Who are the extremists who must be asked to either adapt or be renounced?

To answer this it would be useful to define the enemy. In every Western nation, the political leaders and government bureaucracies, backed up by a dizzying array of NGOs, multinational corporations, international banks, and individual billionaires, are all committed to the same scheme: They are overwhelming our nations with immigrants who are destitute and acculturated to corrupt despotism, and training them to resent us as privileged racists. They are actively indoctrinating our children with bizarre theories of “gender,” terrifying them with “climate crisis” panic, and making them hate themselves for living well on “stolen land.” And they are imposing identity-based personnel quotas at the expense of merit in every major institution, along with climate crisis rationing, social credits, digital currency, and omnipresent surveillance.

These are the cultural, political, and economic objectives of our enemy. And they control every major institution in the Western world. They want to turn us into livestock. They want to erase our national identity, erase our faith, destroy our economic independence, and control every facet of our lives.

The political figureheads of the enemy are easily identified. Keir Starmer. Simon Harris. Justin Trudeau. Emmanuel Macron. Ursula von der Leyen. And then there are the more sinister power brokers and money men: Klaus Schwab. Larry Fink. George Soros. And, of course, we have our very own authoritarian deceivers here in America: Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. It would be hard to imagine a smarmier pair of demagogues, and they are about to con American voters into giving them power.

This is the enemy. They must be stopped.

Now consider the friends we need, but who some still reject. A few years ago, I compiled a database of individuals who were being suppressed by social media. From August 2020 through August of 2021, I added names, eventually creating profiles for 355 people. They were selected for one reason: They had built online followings, usually relying on social media, and were being systematically suppressed. Demonitized, suppressed viewership, de-platformed, denied online payment processing, denied hosting and ISP services, and even canceled bank accounts.

If you look at these profiles, note how many of these individuals are black, Latino, Asian, Jewish, or gay. It’s a sizable percentage. For example, 60 of these outspoken, mostly canceled “extremists” in this database are black. Let’s be absolutely clear on this: We need these courageous freedom fighters on our side. We need to welcome them. We cannot win without them.

This is more than a pragmatic appeal, however, it is a moral appeal as well. It’s the enemy that has cleverly turned to identity politics to divide us. But the division that matters is ideological. Let the other side play that nihilistic game. If we play it, we lose.

Every Western nation has by now admitted immigrants who constitute anywhere between 5 percent and 25 percent of their populations. It has become obvious that a critical mass of these immigrants is coalescing in every nation, some more than others, who are hostile to the host culture and ready to impose their culture in their new home. Their numbers, and all their hostility, are being united with what we might call the indigenous left to form a political bloc that can, along with naive more traditional liberals, form electoral majorities. To see how this works, just look at the gyrations the political factions in France went through to stop the “far right” in their recent elections.

But within our populations of recent immigrants are also millions of thoroughly assimilated and productive citizens. They love their adopted country with the same fervor that, for example, immigrants arriving on American shores loved their new country a century ago. And they are horrified by the criminal gangs and the religious fundamentalists who are bringing to their new country the same extremism, corruption, and violence that they escaped from in their old country. We need these people on our side, and we must, with empathy, firmly disagree with those among us who cannot accept them. We must welcome everyone who shares our values and wants to fight with us to uphold our values. And for what it’s worth, without them we will lose.

Tulsi Gabbard, one of the most authentic politicians we’ve got in America today, recently said “By standing together, while we may not agree on every issue, we come together around our foundation, our core, a foundation of liberty and freedom. We forget sometimes that our founding fathers had strong disagreements with each other. They battled it out in private and in public. But ultimately they recognized the imperative of that moment in time, and the no-fail mission they had before them. We are facing a no-fail mission today.”

For reasons that are both moral and pragmatic, a global movement that victoriously defends Western Civilization must accept everyone who is sincerely committed to the project. With that unity, we will win.

Edward Ring


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