Sunday, August 18, 2024

Power outage in Lebanon: The last operational power plant shuts down - report - Jerusalem Post Staff


by Jerusalem Post Staff

South Lebanon Water Establishment said that shutting down power plants will negatively affect their ability to pump sufficient quantities of water into the area.


An Electricite du Liban (Electricity of Lebanon) office building. (photo credit: SCREENSHOT VIA X, SECTION 27A COPYRIGHT ACT)
An Electricite du Liban (Electricity of Lebanon) office building.

The Zahrani power plant, the last and only plant still providing electricity in Lebanon, reportedly shut down on Saturday, Sawt Beirut International reported on X, citing Lebanon's electric corporation, Électricité du Liban.

The Jerusalem Post could not access Lebanon's Electric Corporation's website.

The South Lebanon Water Establishment said that shutting down power plants will negatively affect their ability to pump sufficient quantities of water into the area. 

The Electric Corporation, as per Sawt Beirut International, said that Zahrani no longer supplies electricity "as a result of the exploitation of the plant's oil reserves, which resulted in a complete interruption of the supply of electricity to all areas of Lebanon, including the basic facilities in the country, including the airports, water and sewage infrastructure, and more," Israeli media reported.

Shortly after this report, the South Lebanon Water Establishment published an announcement asking civilians to limit water consumption to a minimum due to the power outages, as reported by Kan News.

Jerusalem Post Staff


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