Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Silence After Murder Most Foul - Hugh Fitzgerald


by Hugh Fitzgerald

Six Jews are executed in a tunnel by Hamas. Where are the “human rights” organizations?


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Six Jews were murdered last week by Hamas. They were executed in a tunnel under Gaza: two women, four men. All by Hamas gunmen. And neither Human Rights Watch, nor Amnesty International, nor the UN Human Rights Council, nor Oxfam, nor any of the other so-called “human rights” organizations who issue furious condemnations of every presumed “violation of human rights” by Israel had a word to say about those executions. No, the welkin did not ring with denunciations from any of these groups. Murder most foul was followed by a cat-got-your-tongue silence. More on this silence can be found here: “Hamas is executing hostages. “Human rights” groups are silent. Because, to them, Jews are less than human.” Elder of Ziyon, September 2, 2024:

Forensics experts have determined that Hamas executed six Israeli hostages late last week.

These six – Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Eden Yerushalmi, Ori Danino, Alex Lobanov, Carmel Gat, and Almog Sarusi – were alive a few days ago. Hamas murdered them.

All of them were shot multiple times from close range.

They weren’t killed in battle. They weren’t killed from airstrikes. They were deliberately executed by Hamas.

Their kidnappings were a war crime. Their being taken hostage with the intent to trade them for murderers was a war crime. Their ten months of imprisonment were a crime against humanity. Their executions were a heinous crime against humanity.

And as of this writing, not a word of condemnation has been tweeted by Amnesty or Human Rights Watch or Oxfam or the UN Human Rights Council.

These are groups who are keen to condemn Jews marching with flags in Jerusalem, or Jews praying in their holiest spot, or Jews renting out houses as Airbnbs on the “wrong” side of an arbitrary line.  Yet when Jews are summarily executed by Palestinians, they are suddenly struck mute.

So you know how they claim to care about international law? How they say they care about morality? How they pretend to care about human rights?

They don’t give s [sic] damn about any of them. They only condemn things that align with their politics, and Palestinians murdering Jews is not something they consider abhorrent or immoral. They sort of admire them….

Will anyone do the right thing — possibly Secretary of State Antony Blinken, or our UN Ambassador, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, or Senator John Fetterman — and say publicly what needs to be said? To wit, something along the lines of this: “We have noticed with dismay that none of the so-called human rights groups, such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the UN Human Rights Council, and Oxfam have as yet uttered a word of condemnation of the murderers, or expressed their horror, or offered words of sympathy and solidarity, to the families of those six Israeli hostages who were murdered in cold blood. How can you expect to be taken seriously by the world when you cannot perform the simplest act of decency and fellow-feeling? Why should anyone listen to you, after this display of hideous indifference to the victims, when those victims are Israelis?

Hugh Fitzgerald


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