Thursday, October 10, 2013

The New Left: A Purposeful Assault on Order

by Jeffrey T. Brown

Humans succeed in the administration of a society only when there are neutrally applied rules to protect its citizens, the rules are followed, and rule-breakers are punished. Society can only function to the benefit of its members when the actions of those members are governed, even if involuntarily, by a spirit of objective justice. We were blessed at the inception of our country with brilliant men and women, on the verge of creating a country in which they could have given themselves vast power, instead whose principles guided their hands. They influenced and wrote the most balanced, ordered blueprint for a civil society the world has ever known. 

That system has been eroded over the last century by the inexplicable attraction of socialism to those too narcissistic to allow others to freely prosper, though it was not until the administration of our current chief executive that we understood the determination of the left to fully destabilize the country by attacking its fundamental order. That is where fundamental transformation actually happens. When the moral framework of a nation is purposefully assaulted to the benefit of the attackers, the survival of the ordered society is threatened. What we see as the near daily occurrence of political affronts to our traditions and history is intended both to overwhelm us, making it nearly impossible to respond to so many affronts at once, and distract from the eventual result. It is a constant war of manufactured crises waged against the founding principles of our society by those who seek to destroy and replace them.

Before the ascendency of the left in the last half century, hundreds of years of trial and error, guided by both malice and charity, gave us a society continually striving for equality and fairness in treatment under the law. Given the innumerable variables in human nature, any other form of equality or fairness is not attainable. Free will has always been the wild card. Before now, the freedom to exercise one's will was considered a basic American right, so long as it was not exercised to purposefully or carelessly do harm to others. If applied in good conscience, the Constitution and those laws devised through an ordered legislative process were the ultimate bulwark against the malicious indulgences of human nature and free will.

An entitlement culture will, sooner or later, breed parasitic members whose mere existence is considered by them so meaningful that it is deserving of the reward of other peoples' property. Indeed, one of the foremost tools in the left's war on America is the redefinition of historically applied and understood principles, particularly equality and fairness. Everything that has been done in the last 50 years by the left, and particularly in the last 4, has been falsely done under the dual banners of equality and fairness.

"Equality", in the economic sense, has been warped by the shiftless, envious, and greedy to become a unilaterally determined entitlement to what others have paid for with time, labor, risk, and determination, absent any contribution from the claimant. As applied to rights, "equality" means the entitlement to preferential treatment over fellow citizens who have done no wrong. "Fairness" has simply come to mean the right to extort or steal to achieve the new equality.

These irrational conversions, focusing exclusively on grievance rather than merit, are promoted in the mental fever-swamp of the left's cultivated victims as the alternative to actually curing their own inadequacies. This is the bread and butter of community organizers. Victims suffer due to others, never due to their own qualities or choices. They suffer from the right of others to exercise free will, not due to the exercise of their own.

Acting on the premise that transformation is required to restore equality and fairness, as reinvented by the left, there is no moral structure, framework or institution of an ordered society that is not thereafter a justifiable target. The laws and traditions that previously kept people morally ordered are targeted for destruction by the left. The left cannot advance where there remains moral order; leftism and moral order are mutually exclusive. Like other cults of power, leftism must destroy traditional morality in order to replace it with the apparent wisdom of the ruling elite. When leftists act, therefore, they do so in purposeful violation of the established order, both structural and personal. They refuse to adhere to the rules they swore to uphold, and conduct themselves in ways clearly apart from the established moral order. They both subvert and overwhelm the system, knowing it is not equipped to respond to perpetual immorality.

The president came to power professing his belief in the restoration of equality and fairness, knowing full well that neither were fundamentally missing from our society, and that in truth he would seek neither. Aware that his enemy, decent Americans, would not define those terms as leftists do, he understood that his false invocation of those principles would provide cover, at least for a period of time, for actions designed to strike at the foundations of the country, weakening and collapsing it.

The administration of this president, and the legislative malfeasance of his party, have been a ceaseless attack on the order of our society, aided by a media that sees in Democrats the heralds of forced conversion to a uniformly anti-American worldview. Reason, the objective check on illogic and evil, has been relegated to a bygone era by the president's servants, a quaint but undesirable remnant of a free America. The president shares nothing with us of our traditions, our beliefs, our history, or our morality. Even if an American by birth, he is not an American by experience. What he believes of this country was implanted by those bent on disordering it, and then destroying it. Thus, claims to equality and fairness are nothing more than disingenuous appeals to moral people, while acting to defeat them.

In this latest foray into malicious infliction of harm on Americans, the government shutdown, those who have yet to see the light may finally glimpse the mindset of this country's most determined destroyers. Of course, one must have slept through the early stages of the Sequester not to have begun to see it then, even if one ignored the countless legal and moral indignities imposed on the country in the preceding three years. Tours of the White House, belonging to the public, were stopped on the basis of funding, though there was enough money to send the president's daughters on vacation to the beaches of the Caribbean and the slopes of Colorado in the same week. Public services were cut, but there was enough money to fly the president's dog to Martha's Vineyard on its own plane. There has always been money for golf, and entertainment, and vacations, and the luxuries due a monarch.

Until now, with open air parks, private sites, and shrines to American Exceptionalism being needlessly barricaded, no American president has acted so overtly to punish Americans for the impertinence of seeking order. No prior president has acted to deprive them of the exercise of the benefits of citizenship for which they have paid dearly to a government designed to serve the country rather than own it. To inflict this level of harm, he has angrily rejected all appeals to order and structure. To the credit of the Republicans, they, at least, have employed the mechanisms of the system. They have invoked rules and tradition to seek an orderly resolution of political differences.

This president and his party, however, will have none of that. If this current impasse is to be resolved, it will only be through pain and the surrender of those few politicians left who are finally defending the American people, the target of the president's loathing. Only when those remaining radicals, the advocates of Constitutional order, are defeated will the way be clear for the new America. This president has made unmistakably clear that he will not compromise with those who seek or promote order over chaos. Either he "wins" and the country is irreparably damaged, or.... nothing. Either way, ordered solutions are unwelcome as the demands of "terrorists" and "hostage takers".

Without rules, there is no order. Without order, there is chaos and crisis. When there is chaos, there is opportunity to direct newly-disordered people into whatever the controlling forces desire. Until now, our laws have served to limit the historic inclination of emotionally and intellectually malformed citizens to enslave others whom they perceive as vulnerable to an assault by government. In our Constitutional history, nothing is more disordered than an American president who daily promotes chaos in open warfare against his own country's founding principles.

Jeffrey T. Brown


Copyright - Original materials copyright (c) by the authors.

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