Saturday, December 24, 2022

The Illegal Nonprofit Set Up to Defend Biden - Daniel Greenfield


by Daniel Greenfield

The slimiest Clinton pal coordinates with Hunter Biden to reelect Joe Biden.


[Order David Horowitz’s and John Perazzo’s new booklet: “Internal Radical Service: Abuse Of Taxpayer Dollars To Advance Leftwing Causes Illegally And Unconstitutionally”: CLICK HERE.]

With Jeffrey Epstein dead, David Brock may be the slimiest of the Clinton friends still left standing. Brock started out in conservative politics writing hit pieces about Hillary.

Then he became the craziest Clinton defender around.

Brock claimed that the New York Times was a “megaphone for conservative propaganda”. “As it concerns Clinton coverage, the Times will have a special place in hell,” he ranted.

It’s easy to dismiss Brock as a nutjob. There were reports that he feared right-wing snipers were coming after him. But there’s also little doubt that America Bridge and Media Matters, the organizations he created, remains quite influential, that Democrats continue to listen to him and that leftist donors have put quite a lot of money at the disposal of his various schemes.

The Clintons are history, but Brock has a new group meant to do for Biden what he did for Hillary. It’s a venture that, like a number of other Brock projects, exists in defiance of tax laws.

Allegedly coordinating with Hunter Biden’s lawyer and backed by a $10 million budget, Brock’s new venture, Facts First USA, is out to attack Republicans and protect Joe Biden’s reelection by taking on subjects, like Hunter, that “may be too personal or delicate for the White House to be responding or to even be seen as directing a response.”

After meeting with Hunter, Brock has bragged that “absent a vigorous operation, like the one we’re putting out, I think it makes it difficult for President Biden to be re-elected.”

In October, Brock sent out a promotional memo announcing “Facts First USA: A SWAT Team to Counter Republican Congressional Investigation”. The extended memo, apparently uploaded by a New York Times reporter, left little doubt as to what Brock intended to use Facts First for.

“The presidential election in 2024 will be close and simply relying on the hope that facts will triumph over conspiracy is not sufficient. Instead, a robust external force – a SWAT team with additional capacity – must also be in place to ensure that the media and public do not accept the false narrative that flows from congressional investigations. An external operation will also allow President Biden to stay focused on his own preferred messaging during 2023 and 2024 and on his reelection campaign. We call this effort Facts First USA,” the memo states.

External operations for presidential campaigns are nothing new, but Facts First USA is raising money through ActBlue Civics while being registered as a 501(c)(4). The tax code is quite clear and even the most liberal IRS positions still stipulate that a 501(c)(4) nonprofit cannot “engage in political campaigns on behalf of or in opposition to candidates for public office” if that is its primary purpose.

Unlike a union or the NRA, Facts First’s primary purpose is defending Biden.

An NBC News report on Facts First claimed that White House “back-channel communications led it to believe the effort is welcome.” Brock has said that his group, “intends to work with the White House where appropriate but will make our own judgments.”

There’s no ambiguity about the fact that Facts First has been set up to defend the Biden administration as part of 2024 presidential campaign activity. Facts First is not only in violation of the statute, which requires a social welfare angle for a 501(c)(4), but is even in violation of the primary purpose test that the IRS uses. A 501(c)(4) is not a PAC.

Brock practically reinvented independent rapid response operations and breaking the rules. Before the 2016 election, he created Correct the Record, a rapid response PAC whose coordination with the Clinton campaign was deemed to be extremely controversial.

The Brock memo promoting Facts First even describes “Correct the Record, which I founded and directed within American Bridge Super PAC (which I also founded) before spinning off as a standalone hybrid Super PAC that under the law was able to coordinate with the Clinton campaign, serves as a model of the work that must be done”.

Facts First looks a whole lot like Correct the Record except that it operates as a nonprofit. Clearly Brock believed that he couldn’t run Correct the Record under the American Bridge umbrella and created a separate organization that was not a 501(c)(4). With Facts First, Brock has decided to test whether he can reinvent Correct the Record for Biden as a 501(c)(4).

Furthermore, Facts First was a front used on behalf of Biden by Priorities USA Action: a leftist PAC where Brock had formerly been a board member. During the 2020 campaign, Priorities spent $5 million on digital ads attacking Republicans using, among other tags, Facts First.. It could appear as if Brock has repurposed a pro-Biden hybrid PAC campaign into a pro-Biden 501(c)(4) campaign attacking Republicans.

Brock and his backers are betting that the IRS won’t do anything. The number of leftist nonprofits that function as campaign operations has increased astronomically. And while the IRS has targeted conservatives, it has allowed leftist campaign operations, like those of Stacey Abrams, to operate as nonprofits.

That’s a phenomenon that is one of the subjects of Internal Radical Service by David Horowitz and John Perazzo, documenting how the IRS has enabled the rise of an empire of nonprofits funding partisan elections. It’s also why the David Horowitz Freedom Center will be filing a complaint with the IRS challenging the nonprofit status of what is clearly a campaign arm.

Brock has built a career on creating radical groups that abused nonprofit status and shattered the walls between political campaigns and social welfare groups. Creating a rapid response organization in coordination with the president’s son in order to ensure his reelection and  maintaining backchannel communications with the White House doesn’t just strain even the most generous interpretations of the tax codes, it goes far beyond their farthest boundaries.

The political marriage of Hunter Biden and David Brock, two deeply troubled men who have plumbed new depths, is all too fitting. The organization born out of that marriage is not.

Facts First USA is another example of how the IRS has become the corrupt enabler for the Left.

Daniel Greenfield


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