Thursday, February 27, 2025

How the Palestinian Authority turned a loathsome terrorist into a victim - Itamar Marcus and Ephraim D. Tepler


by Itamar Marcus and Ephraim D. Tepler

Who was Amjad Takatka?


The Palestinian Authority is trying to turn a loathsome terrorist who planned a gruesome mass-murder into a victim. The PA's official daily published a tear-jerker-style story that the terrorist, Amjad Takatka, who was released in the recent Hamas extortion deal, was forced to go to Egypt "to live in exile far from his two daughters and his grandchildren, whom he has not yet seen."

Who was Amjad Takatka? Takatka was serving 6 life sentences for driving a suicide bomber, 17-year-old Andalib Takatka, to carry out an attack that killed 6 people and wounded more than 80 outside Jerusalem's marketplace on April 12, 2002. Takatka was released from prison on February 15, 2025.

The official daily painted Takatka's meeting with his wife in Egypt as "a moment that sums up years of pain and deprivation." It further lamented:

"When Takatka was arrested 23 years ago, he was the father of two little girls: Samah, who was not yet 2 years old, and Anahid, a baby who was not yet 3 months old. He did not know then that the occupation would sentence him to 18 (sic., 6) life sentences in a cell isolated from life and family."

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Feb. 17, 2025]

The PA's official newspaper completely omitted the reason Takatka was imprisoned and that he participated in the murder of Israelis Rivka Fink, Nissan Cohen, Yelena Konrav, and Suheila Hushi as well as foreign workers Lin Chang Mai and Chai Siang Yong.

Trying to trigger feelings of sympathy for the mass murderer, the PA paper portrayed the meeting with his wife:

"In a moment that sums up years of pain and deprivation, released prisoner Amjad Kamel Takatka, 45… met in Egypt with his wife Taghrid after 23 years behind the bars of the occupation (i.e., Israel). This meeting, which the hearts had long awaited, was full of turbulent emotions, in which tears intermingled with smiles... He breathed the fragrance of freedom as part of the sixth round of the ceasefire deal in the Gaza Strip, and the occupation deported him abroad. When Takatka was arrested 23 years ago, he was the father of two little girls: Samah, who was not yet 2 years old, and Anahid, a baby who was not yet 3 months old. He did not know then that the occupation would sentence him to 18 (sic., 6) life sentences in a cell isolated from life and family... In a Cairo hotel, Amjad stood in anticipation. From the other side, his wife Taghrid approached him, who had waited for him patiently over these decades. When the two met, place and time disappeared, leaving only the long moment of embrace, in which the tears were diluted by the sound of the heart, which began beating again after years of waiting... However, the joy was incomplete. Despite the freedom that Amjad achieved, he was unable to return to his land and his home because he was deported to Egypt… Amjad said in a voice of joy accompanied by sorrow: ‘So far, I have not been able to hug my daughters, I have not heard my grandchildren's laughter. This pain has not ended yet, but I console myself with the fact that I have at least left prison.'"

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Feb. 17, 2025]

This heroic portrayal of the mass murderer is representative of the Palestinian Authority, which sees terrorists as the ultimate heroes. The never-ending pain that the 86 victims' families have lived with ever since the terror attack in April 2002 is irrelevant to the terror-supporting Palestinian Authority.

Itamar Marcus and Ephraim D. Tepler


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