by Thaddeus G. McCotter
The climate doomsday clock keeps resetting, proving that the only thing warming faster than the planet is the rhetoric of the self-anointed experts.
Living in Michigan, one often hears the old adage, “if you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes and it will change.” Evidently, this old saw also applies to the climate cult’s declarations that doomsday is just around the corner…
Sooner or later.
The same old saw can be applied to the self-anointed climate Cassandras, who are routinely wrong but never in doubt. Be it through self-serving revisionist history, elaborate rationalizations, or a statistical sleight of hand that would make a street corner shell game huckster blush, climate-changing the goal posts is all the rage with the global elite and its lavishly remunerated minions.
Remember the predictions of a new global ice age back in the 1970s? You were either imagining things or a victim of disinformation. As the climate cultist apologists now explain, back in the day this was largely due to fake news journalists not yet being versed in parsing the emerging “consensus” from the disparate elements of the scientific community. Today, this persistent, pernicious “myth” is being used as deliberate disinformation by climate deniers: “An enduring popular myth suggests that in the 1970s the climate science community was predicting ‘global cooling’ and an ‘imminent’ ice age, an observation frequently used by those who would undermine what climate scientists say today about the prospect of global warming.”
Buttressing this “explanation” of you being mistaken and “confirming” the reality of climate change, enter AI (which also confirms that in programming AI, it is truly a case of garbage in/garbage out):
“The idea that the 1970s scientific community predicted a new ice age is a myth. In fact, the scientific literature of the time focused on global warming caused by greenhouse gases.
“What is happening now? The Earth is currently in a warm interglacial period. The planet is warming due to increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide. Predicted changes in orbital forcing suggest that the next glacial period would begin at least 50,000 years from now.”
How long will it be until we are told that we also imagined those Glacier National Park signs inaccurately advising visitors how said “glaciers will all be gone by the year 2020.” Per James Delingpole in the New York Post: “For years they’ve been warning on their visitor signs that their main attraction, the glaciers, would be ‘gone by 2020.’ Instead, it’s those misleading signs that have had to go, because 2020 has now arrived and those pesky glaciers, all 29 of them, remain stubbornly unmelted by climate change.”
Given Mr. Delingpole’s reporting of park officials furtively trying to replace the signs, one might think a simple shove down the memory hole will suffice to erase this failed declaration of climate catastrophe. But that would entail underestimating the capacity of the climate cultists to cling to their secular religion:
“Glacier National Park recently confirmed the changes…but is maintaining a defiant public face. Its signs will now say: ‘When they [the glaciers] will completely disappear depends on how and when we act. One thing is consistent: The glaciers in the park are shrinking.’
“But in truth the new signs are no more accurate than the old ones. First, some of the glaciers have expanded, not shrunk, in the last decade.”
I encourage one to read Mr. Delingpole’s article for a succinct listing of the numerous instances of catastrophes that have yet to occur due to Goddess Gaia’s failure to punctually punish humanity for our environmental sins. I am, however, chary to recommend his article to the climate cult, who might start heeding his sage, if archly offered, advice: “Never put a time limit on your doomsday predictions.” As of yet, however, that possibility remains remote, in many ways due to the ability of the climate cultists’ to be reality deniers.
Consider the “fact,” reported in 2018 by the United Nations (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), that we had less than twelve years to save the planet and ourselves (doubtless in order of priority in the minds of climate cultists). One year later, the UN doubled down: “Just over a decade is all that remains to stop irreversible damage from climate change, world leaders heard today as the General Assembly opened a high-level meeting on the relationship between the phenomenon and sustainable development.”
Nonetheless, as 2030 impends without sufficient obeisance to the global elites’ dictates to save the planet, exacerbating the prospects of our extinction arise dissenting voices arguing that increasing temperatures are good for people and the planet (doubtless in order of priority in the minds of these observers). Following the Bob Marley principle of “You got to kill it before it grows,” the climate cult leapt at this existential threat to its unshakeable faith in themselves—er, I mean the “science.”
Breitbart News’s Rome Bureau Chief, Thomas D. Williams, PhD, informs of a recent counter-counter-revolutionary climate study throwing cold water (gathered from a melting glacier?) on this potential silver lining of global warming:
“Climate change will result in an estimated 2.3 million additional temperature-related deaths in Europe by 2099, according to researchers led by a London-based climate-modeling group…
“‘This study provides compelling evidence that the steep rise in heat-related deaths will far exceed any drop related to cold, resulting in a net increase in mortality across Europe,’ stated Antonio Gasparrini, lead author of the article and head of the Environment & Health Modelling (EHM) Lab at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).
“‘These results debunk proposed theories of ‘beneficial’ effects of climate change, often proposed in opposition to vital mitigation policies that should be implemented as soon as possible,’ he asserted.”
As is so often the case, per Dr. Williams, these climate cultists’ report does not let the facts stand in the way of their faith: “What Gasparrini calls ‘compelling evidence,’ however, are a series of forecasts and predictions made from notoriously fallible climate-modeling algorithms. As good scientists are aware, it is impossible to collect ‘evidence’ on future events.”
In conjunction with the UN prediction, this new report has unwittingly revealed the absence of logic that accompanies the global elite’s climate changing the goal posts for the impending—or not – apocalypse. If the 2030 literal deadline is missed to stop climate change, it will not matter how many people are left to party like it’s 2099. Or is missing the “looming” 2030 deadline just a case of more gloom and less doom when the world does not end on time?
But why worry the climate cult elitists with logic when they can always fall back upon cognitive dissonance? Unless we save the world with socialism and governance by the global elite, the world will end by 2030, and—even for good measure—we will all burn alive in 2099. Or something…or other….
Absent a specific deadline, at least the cultists can assure us the climate apocalypse will entail hotter temperatures to torment and terminate us—right?
Uh… In his 2003 article found at YaleGlobal Online, Bill McGuire asked, Will Global Warming Trigger a New Ice Age?:
If you can remember back to the bitter winters of the late 1970s and early 80s you might also recall that there was much discussion in scientific circles at the time about whether or not the freezing winter conditions were a portent of a new ice age.
Over the past couple of decades such warnings have been drowned out by the great global warming debate and by consideration of how society might cope in future with a sweltering planet rather than an icebound one. Seemingly, the fact that we are still within an interglacial period, during which the ice has largely retreated to its polar fastnesses, has been forgotten – and replaced with the commonly-held view that one good thing you can say about global warming is that it will at least stave off the return of the glaciers.
Is this really true, or could the rapidly accelerating warming that we are experiencing actually hasten the onset of a new ice age? A growing body of evidence suggests that, at least for the UK and western Europe, there is a serious risk of this happening – and soon.
In climate-changing the goal posts, the cynical global elite, their minions, and gullible true believers have come full circle.
An American Greatness contributor, the Hon. Thaddeus G. McCotter (M.C., Ret.) served Michigan’s 11th Congressional district from 2003-2012, He served as Chair of the Republican House Policy Committee; and as a member of the Financial Services, Joint Economic, Budget, Small Business, and International Relations Committees. Not a lobbyist, he is also a contributor to Chronicles; frequent public speaker and moderator for public policy seminars; and a co-host of “John Batchelor: Eye on the World” on CBS radio, among sundry media appearances.
Thaddeus G. McCotter
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