by James Lewis
Obama isn’t the only elite messiah who favors national suicide for past sins, though he is certainly the blindest, most self-righteous and willfully destructive one in American history.
Quran (33:50) - "O Prophet! We have made lawful to … those (slaves) whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee"
Quran (23:5-6) - "..who abstain from sex, except … (the captives) whom their right hands possess..."
Quran (4:24) - "And all married women (are forbidden) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess."
Quran (8:69) - "But (now) enjoy what ye took in war, lawful and good" (because) "Allah gave you mastery over them."
If we’ve learned anything in the last eight years it’s that supposedly smart people can be suicidally stupid, and that idiot savants can easily rationalize sabotaging their own nations.
Obama isn’t the only elite messiah who favors national suicide for past sins, though he is certainly the blindest, most self-righteous and willfully destructive one in American history.
The EU’s seemingly suicidal policy deliberately aims to dilute the percentage of ethnic Europeans in their native countries, to empower the new Franco-German capital in Brussels. This is exactly what Otto von Bismarck did in the 1800s to destroy the provincial capitals of German-speaking Europe, and to centralize all power in one Reich in the Prussian capital of Berlin. Fanatical German nationalism, xenophobia and militarism in the 20th century were a direct product of Bismarck’s imperial unification policy.
Which is why the EU’s kleptocracy can actually destroy the economy of southern Europe without triggering a voter revolt. The elite has knowingly imported more than 50 million Muslims from the tribal backwaters of Pakistan and the Middle East, to serve as welfare voters for Eurosocialist parties, especially in capital cities like Amsterdam, Paris, and Berlin. The EU has also imposed the mass-media cult fantasy of Political Correctness over its colonial peoples; and it has been nice enough to export PC to the United States by way of our Eurosocialist universities.
By now normal voters in Europe are so far removed from the center of power that they’ve basically given up. They are utterly powerless, because they will be scapegoated as Nazis if they ever rebel against the new Ruling Class. By now they are used to following orders, just like the olden times.
Two German judges have now declared Frau Merkel’s open borders actions to be unconstitutional -- but hey, who’s gonna do anything about it? By now those ravening invaders have gone to ground, dumped their fake Syrian passports, signed up to vote for Islamo-Left parties, and applied for welfare asylum as persecuted victims.
You don’t need a crystal ball to see what’s next: See the rape epidemic in Norway and Sweden for starters. Or, as Frau Merkel charmingly put it, “Germany will have to live with a higher number of criminals.” We’re pretty sure that Obama believes the same thing, but he hasn’t actually said it yet. Same policy, same ideology, same suicidal outcome.
Frau Merkel has learned from Obama that you can spread disaster in your wake and still blame your own voters, and that, in the mass-media-cult of the Islamo-Left, nobody will hold you responsible. On the contrary.
The newest Left-Fascist alliance will cheer on your sabotage of your own people because they know that ordinary folks can’t be trusted to know what’s best.
Obama has a lifelong mission to punish America for the long-ago sin of slavery. In jihadist slang the same thing is called Darb al Harb, or the House of War. It means that you and I are their targeted enemy, like it or not, just as Saul Alinsky wrote in his little book.
Napoleon Chagnon is the most important scientific anthropologist of our time, because he has exposed the true nature of primitive tribal warfare. (See his 1988 Science article called “Life history, blood revenge, and warfare in a tribal population.”)
For a hundred years field anthropologists have watched tribal warfare going on, year after year, but they were not allowed to publish the truth. Leading anthropologists like Margaret Mead and Ashley Montagu simply lied about the violent tribes they knew about.
In reality, as we now know from Chagnon and many others, group aggression is the norm among human clans all over the world. Gang warfare isn’t just happening in inner city Chicago. Up to a third of adult males in traditional tribes die as a result of group or individual violence.
After a lifetime of field work with the hyper-aggressive Yanamamo Indians of Venezuela, Chagnon has made a compelling scientific case that warfare is almost universal in human tribes, and that the clearly understood goal of group violence is to kidnap and rape women, kill adult males, take loot and slaves, and run away for more of the same.
If up to a third of males are violently killed every generation, with another third in the next and so on, in time, human genes will favor preparedness for war.
And yet -- warlike tribes also make peace among accepted in-groups, while reserving their aggression for out-groups. The fact is that humans are prepared both for war and peace.
And that is indeed what anthropologists report about the warrior tribes of New Guinea, South and North America, the Vikings, the Mongols, the Khoi San of Africa, the Middle East and all the rest.
Now get this: The great Arabian Desert has long been populated by war-making tribes, just like the ones Napoleon Chagnon studied in the field. Mohammed was a desert raider (and occasional trader) who talked to the Archangel Gabriel in his dreams, and who naturally produced a holy book that reflected his own tribal culture.
(A good source on all this is Lawrence of Arabia’s story of his time in the Arabian Desert in WW1, which included being raped by one of his allies. Lawrence never went back.)
In primitive tribal warfare, women belong to the victorious male or gang of males by right of conquest, as the divinely ordained spoils of war, along with male slaves and loot. According to Chagnon, Yanamamo men freely boast about the sexual benefits of warfare. Raping the daughters of an enemy clan is glorified. To a warrior every raped woman means both a practical and genetic victory over an enemy clan, in the everlasting Hobbesian violence of the primitive world.
Rape is a crime in more civilized cultures, and a major cause for shame, guilt and punishment. But to primitive tribal males, it is the greatest sign of victory, as long as rape is committed against an enemy clan.
Therefore, what Angela Merkel recently did, in the eyes of the invading “refugees,” is to signal tribal surrender to an essentially primitive war cult.
You may want to read that sentence again, and maybe check Chagnon’s historic Science article for evidence. The web is the biggest scientific library in history, and there is enough good anthropology to balance the usual lies from the usual suspects.
In Quranic warfare, killing, looting and rape are justified and even commanded.
The rules of holy warfare have been debated by various priesthoods since the early caliphates, and they are now enshrined in written codes of conduct in the name of Allah. Muslim imams and mullahs are not shy about glorifying Mohammed’s life as a tribal warrior, and as a model for all men. Islam has simply incorporated the tactics of ancient tribal warfare into its holy books.
Last year the Saudi Wahhabi priesthood publicly declared that ISIS is religiously justified in its endless bloody crimes, especially if the victims are Shi’ites, Christians, Yazidis, atheist Europeans like Frau Merkel, and all the rest. If you don’t worship Allah in the Wahhabi way, you’re on the plate for dinner. Their enemy Shi’ites believe the same thing about the Wahhabis, of course.
If you go back far in human history, this is part of standard human misbehavior -- just as peace making is also based in human nature. We are not doomed to kill each other forever. We can, and often we have actually learned to be better, as pointed out by good scientific sources like Harvard’s Steven Pinker and science journalist Nicholas Wade.
Globally, humanity has learned to reduce our tendency to glorify fighting and war. That is why civilizing law codes are so profoundly important in our history, from the Code of Hammurabi to the Mosaic Ten Commandments and the many legal codes of genuinely civilized societies. Humans can certainly be evil, yes, but we also have a capacity for good.
What Chagnon has taught us is that rape is often the most important motivation for tribal war. In cruel Darwinian terms, rape is a way for one clan to spread its genes to others, thereby passing on a genetic preparedness for sexually-motivated violence to future generations.
The tragedy of Islam is to be enormously successful in its conquests since the 7th century, and to fail miserably, time and time again, in building genuine civilization.
That is why we are seeing a resurgent jihadist Islam today, after seventy years of modernism. It is another reactionary fallback to the tribal past.
Persia had a glorious culture before it was conquered by Arab Muslims. The Byzantine Empire was one of the two apostolic sources of Orthodox Christianity, before it was stamped out by Muslim Berbers, Tuaregs, and Turks in Northern Africa. The Buddhist monasteries of Northern India were massacred by the Ghurid Muslims around the year 1200, so that today there are not many Buddhists left in India, where Gautama Buddha first taught. Islam is profoundly reactionary, the most violent and reactionary belief system on earth. Check the facts if you doubt it.
When Stalin’s Soviet armies conquered East Germany at the end of WW II, they committed mass rape, like the Imperial Japanese in Nanking. The Japanese practiced kidnapping women as sex slaves. No doubt some Allied troops committed rape as well -- but rape was a crime by the military codes of conduct of the Allied armies. It was not glorified but punished.
The difference between civilized and primitive war is in the codes of conduct that are actually enforced, often with the death penalty.
Civilization is all about rational codes of conduct and their enforcement. That is why the Laws of Hammurabi, the Ten Commandments, and Blackstone on English Common Law are so historically important.
Angela Merkel is a Eurosocialist who was brought up in Marxist East Germany. Merkel was deeply indoctrinated in Political Correctness, the most recent political mythology of the European Union.
But the Muslim code of conduct is the Quran, which emerged out of the universal tribal warfare of the Arabian Desert of the 7th th century. Mohammed was a tribal chief who transformed that culture into Islam.
Islam means “submission,” -- not “peace” -- and a Muslim is “one who submits.” As in obeying military orders, just like the goose-stepping armies of Europe in World War I.
Nazi soldiers used to yell “Zum Befehl!” (By your Order!) to their officers when they were told to commit some fresh horror. Every two-bit corporal could speak in the name of Hitler, who had absolute power. In Islam your local imam or tribal emir has absolutely power to order life and death, in lieu of direct orders from above. That belief gives mere human beings divine and absolute justification to do their worst.
Allah commands war against the infidel to his believers. Slave taking, killing, robbing, and general mayhem are commanded in the Qur’an.
Merkel and Obama either know those facts already, and are working in collusion with jihad, or they are so mentally fixated in goofy leftism that they will never learn the truth.
Either way they send out constant signals of surrender to every jihad-indoctrinated male in the world.
Over the centuries Europe has always fallen for wave after wave of delusional beliefs, all liable to explode into major wars. The wars of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation had scarcely stopped smoking when Frederick the Great invented nationalistic militarism in Prussia, while the French invented the guillotine, to ensure universal liberty, equality, and brotherhood. Which then kicked off the Napoleonic Wars, then the Franco-Prussian War of revenge, then WW1 and 2, followed by the Soviet Empire, which also acquired its Marxist cult from Germany.
Each international slaughter came after years of media-driven indoctrination into some world-saving, self-aggrandizing ideology, first religious, then imperialistic and militaristic, then Napoleonic, followed by German campaigns of revenge against France, then two compulsive replays in the two world wars, then Soviet imperialism, and now the European Union.
The grand new EU claims to have the answer to war and peace forever. It’s not a secret that the EU wants to run the world through international institutions like the UN, the most corrupt collection of thugs, genociders and rapists on earth.
The EU is of course a messianic cult like all the others, with the difference that previous European delusions killed foreigners; but this time the ruling class has declared war on its own peoples.
Frau Merkel may not look like a black Chicago Machine politician, but in their hearts they are twin souls.
James Lewis
Copyright - Original materials copyright (c) by the authors.
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