by Dr. Shmuel Katz
Understanding the story of the on-going struggle for a real peace in the Holy Land mandates learning the legal issues involved.
My thought following viewing “Battle in the Holy Land” the important Fox News Special which was Presented by Mr. Pete Hegseth,
Thank you very much for undertaking the impossible project of trying to understand the thousands of years history and the dynamics in the Middle East in a few short films.
Unfortunately, there are too many local and international forces that are trying to manipulate the events and the information, in the region and beyond.
There were multiple books written about this topic from multiple points of view, but there are some very simple facts that people are not aware of, or just ignore.
I do not know how much of the information you had while you were preparing the film, but I am confident that you were trying to present both sides of the story, which are very different. Many times, when people are expose to bits and piece of information and are not aware of the relevant context, the story sounds completely different from the reality. I understand that you could not address all the relevant context, due to the limitation in the length of the film that you could produce, but it left some of the information incomplete for the viewers to get a comprehensive and accurate impression. I am sure that you will be able to supplement it in your next film.
Interestingly, Dennis Prager, tried to explain the current conflict in the Middle East in a short and very simple video:
The Middle East Problem in Five Minutes:
Obviously, there is a lot of information which is available, but I would like to share with you a few points in order to put some of the events, in the correct and relevant context, which I am sure, you will appreciate.
Addressing the legality of the Jewish presence in the region:
In addition to the overwhelming biblical, archeological and historical information about the Jewish presence in the Land of Israel, there are multiple valid modern legal arguments, which are ignored by many leaders around the world, due to various self-serving motives and agendas. The following are some of those legal arguments which show the legality of the Jewish presence in the land of Israel:
1. Israel's Legal Founding - Alan Dershowitz Professor of Law:
2. The Legal case for Israel - Prof Eugene Kontrovich
3. WHO OWNS JERUSALEM? The Case Under International Law (Is it the Capital of Israel?). Dr. Jacques Gauthier
Even before the establishment of the Jewish state in the land of Israel, incited Muslim rioters attached Jews. One of the most famous one was the horrendous massacre of Jews and the expulsion of the rest of them from the Holy City of Hebron, in 1929.
The land of Israel was occupied by the Ottoman Empire for about 400 years until the time that they lost it, at the conclusion of world war one. The British and the French received the mandate to the region from the League of Nations. They held the region until the division of the area among the people who lived there.
It is very clear from any objective review of the history of the region, that there was never, ever, in the history of the world, an Arab Palestinian state in that region, which was called Arab Palestine. About 80% of the Jewish ancestral homeland which was recognized by the famous Balfour Declaration in 1917 and later by the League of Nations, was given by the British, to the Hashemite Kingdom of Trans Jordan in 1946. They could have called Trans Jordan also “Arab Palestine”, but this did not happen. The remaining 20% of this land became what is called today the disputed land, the remnant of the Jewish ancestral homeland or the area that some of the Arab Palestinians want to build their own brand-new state of Arab Palestine, removing all the Jews from that region. The newly addressed two-state solution concept, to solve the conflict about these remaining 20% of the land, is very allusive, as there are no serious honorable partners to the state of Israel, to implement this idea, since the creation of the state of Israel.
An interesting description and delineation of the maps of the evolution of this region in the Middle East, in that location, can be found on pages 6-7 in the very informative short booklet “Israel 101” by StandWithUs.
Most of the growth of the local and the immigrated Arab population, in the Land of Israel occurred following the expansion of the Jewish presence in the region, where the Jews inspired by their national aspiration, joined the local Jews who were already living there for generations.
Interestingly, the only time that Jews were not allowed to live in the Holy City of Jerusalem, was between the first two wars of aggression, which were imposed on Israel. This began by the expulsion of all the Jews from the city of Jerusalem during the Israeli war of independence of 1948, which was started by the invasion of all the neighboring Arab countries, and concluded following the six-day war of 1967, which was started by Egypt, Syria and Jordan, with the intent to liquidate the state of Israel by force. Luckily, the state of Israel managed to survive both wars and even managed to gain control of some more of its ancestral homeland. If the Arab countries would not have attacked Israel in 1967, Israel would still have been contained within the indefensible 1948 armistice lines, with all the serious dangers that it could have had to face.
Unfortunately, due to the leadership of self-serving corrupt Palestinian leadership, multiple attempts to reach generous peaceful resolution to the conflict, have failed miserably. Evidently, because these leaders never had a serious intent to create a brand new Arab Palestinian state, but was focused mainly on ways to destroy the state of Israel.
They were not able even to consider some very basic concepts for a peace agreement like:
"8 Points for Peace":
Most people did not read the “Charter of Hamas” or that of Fatah, and therefore, do not even think about the consequences of the creation of an additional Radical Muslim terror state, which relentlessly exploits and incites even its own young and old people. They are constantly planning to carry on their Radical Islamic agenda to the detriment of all peace-loving people in the region and in the world. They misdirect the humanitarian funds provided to them by the international community and use them to build their propaganda machine, their terror infrastructure and pay bonuses to terrorists and their families.
You can read the “Hamas Charter” which is mentioned and delineated in the very informative list of some relevant short booklets at:
They hope that by using deception and palatable terminologies and concepts, the uninformed individuals around the world, will fall for their narrative and will support blindly, their sinister agenda.
The following informative videos will give you an important insight into some serious current trends that will help you in your important work:
1. Oslo Process = terror against Israel
"Relentless" is a powerful one-hour documentary using primary source video clips to examine the history of the Mideast conflict and how the Peace Process unraveled in a surge of violence.
2. The THIRD JIHAD | RADICAL ISLAM's Vision for America (Full Documentary HD)
3. Honor Diaries - exclusive extended clip
Honor Diaries is more than a movie, it is a movement to save women and girls from gender inequality, forced marriages and human rights abuses.
4. Faithkeepers: Countering Christian Persecution in the Middle East
5. Hezbollah: A Global Threat - English
6. Kids Chasing Paradise Trailer - Abuse of Children by Radicals
7. There are many wonderful moderate Muslims who are peaceful and reject the Radicals, but unfortunately, The Muslim Brotherhood 100-year plan for the USA, has a different agenda: - The translated text of the "100 year plan for the USA".
Muslim Brotherhood investigative reporting Videos:
8. The Art of Extremism - Challenging Radical Dawa - The disturbing link between the Nazis and Jihadis
9. Muslim Leaders Declare Aim Of World Domination. Rome, London, Spain, Paris, America, ISIS
10. Exposing physical and intellectual terrorism to awaken the oblivious
The risks to free society are too high to remain timid or silent and let evil prevail:
I will appreciate your feedback.


Preview YouTube video Oslo Process = terror against Israel

Honor Diaries- exclusive extended clip

Faithkeepers: Countering Christian Persecution in the Middle East

Hezbollah: A Global Threat - English

The Art of Extremism- Challenging Radical Dawa - Part 6

Muslim Leaders Declare Aim Of World Domination. Rome, London, Spain, Paris, America, ISIS
Dr. Shmuel Katz was born in Hungary, raised in Israel. served as an officer in the 6 Day War, gained extensive trauma experience during the Yom Kippur War, is double-boarded in Surgery, a Fellow of the Israeli Surgical Society and of the American College of Surgeons and other medical societies. He is on the board of many pro-Israel organizations.
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