by A.J. Caschetta
Ignorance, naiveté and a warped sense of priorities explains much of their recent activity.
A bank in Shiraz, Iran is defaced with the slogans "Death to Khamenei" and "Death to Rouhani," November 17, 2019.
Since last fall, protests in Iran have become bold. Rather than "Death to America!," the chants in Tehran increasingly are "Death to the Dictator!" and "We don't want the Ayatollahs!" If Ali Khamenei loses control because of his regime's inept response to Iran's COVID-19 deaths, it might be the only good thing to come out of the pandemic. That is, unless the Democrats have their way.
On April 9, Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.) wrote to President Trump, urging him not to block Iran's request for a $5 billion humanitarian aid loan from the International Monetary Fund. On March 26, 11 senators wrote to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin requesting that the Trump administration suspend sanctions on Iran.
In their letter, Sens. Christopher Murphy (D-Conn.), Tom Carper (D-Del.), Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Chris Van Hollen (D-Md. ), Tim Kaine (D-Va.), Tom Udall (D-N.M.), Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), and Jeffrey Merkley (D-Ore.) argue that "U.S. sanctions are hindering the free flow of desperately needed medical and humanitarian supplies" not only to Iran but also Venezuela. They argue that sanctions have "exacerbated the failing medical responses" and are increasing "anti-Americanism that is at the heart of both regimes' hold on power."
Anti-regime sentiments in Iran are stronger than anti-American sentiments.
The senators further undercut their argument by calling attention to 2003, when an earthquake killed 26,000 people in Iran. They applaud the Bush administration for having "temporarily suspended sanctions to send 150,000 pounds of medical supplies and more than 200 aid workers on military aircraft to help the people of Iran recover." Such actions "show... that above all else, America cares about the preservation of human life." The senators perhaps forgot that in 2012 after another earthquake, President Obama's Treasury Department temporarily lifted sanctions against Iran.
But if American aid diminishes anti-Americanism, why does it persist among Iran's clerics? Why didn't it end in 2003 or 2012, after those displays of compassion? Why haven't the mullahs realized that American philanthropy contradicts their "Great Satan" narrative?
When relief money flows into Iran, it disappears.
Even Iran's chief auditor, Abdel Azar, recognizes the problem. He published a report on April 14 charging that $4.8 billion has gone missing from the country's budget and that some government employees are receiving "astronomical salaries." For his work in exposing the apparent theft and corruption, he was denounced by Rouhani.
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden wants Trump to "issue comfort
letters" to foreign governments and organizations "to reassure them
that they will not be subject to U.S. sanctions" for aiding Iran.
Biden calls for other extraordinary measures, such as "issuing broad licenses to pharmaceutical and medical device companies [and] creating a dedicated channel for international banks, transportation companies, insurers and other service firms to help Iranians."
At a time when pharmaceutical and medical device companies are struggling to keep up with the needs of American patients and hospitals, and while banks, transportation companies and insurance firms are laboring to serve American customers, Joe Biden wants to add to the burden by redirecting their efforts in order to aid suffering Iranians.
Predictably, Obama's former vice president complains that Trump's "abandon[ing] the Iran nuclear deal in favor of a 'maximum pressure' strategy ... has badly backfired, encouraging Iran to become even more aggressive." Here Biden apparently has forgotten that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) did nothing to curb Iran's aggression. In January 2016, just months after the agreement was signed, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) seized 10 U.S. Navy sailors in international waters and held them hostage until then-Secretary of State John Kerry negotiated for their release and then issued a groveling statement expressing "gratitude to Iranian authorities for their cooperation in swiftly resolving this matter." Expect more of the same if Joe Biden becomes president. He'll probably make Kerry secretary of state again.
Biden's defenders will say — as Democrats love to say of the JCPOA — that "at least Obama had a deal," but they rarely acknowledge two important facts. One, through its sunset clauses, Obama's deal only delayed Iran's illegal nuclear program by 10-15 years, and then laundered it into a legal nuclear program. Two, Iran cheated on the deal from day one, with its hidden nuclear sites and research. Iran used the multibillion-dollar payout it scored on the front end of the JCPOA to sponsor more terrorism. It now seeks more cash, and Democrats appear all too willing to comply.
Easing sanctions would throw a life preserver to the regime as it struggles to survive.
Iran's theocracy may not fall to a coronavirus coup — but, then again, it may. The government's continued abilities to suppress protestors and pay its henchmen are crucial to its control of power. Easing the maximum-pressure sanctions would be like throwing a life preserver to the regime as it treads water and struggles to survive.
Go ahead Democrats, make Iran's day.
A.J. Caschetta is a Ginsberg-Ingerman fellow at the Middle East Forum and a principal lecturer at the Rochester Institute of Technology.
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