by David Horowitz
Trump is deadlier than the virus.

In the war against the Wuhan virus, Democrats’ have had a laser
focus. But it’s not on the virus. It’s on Trump. Their blame Trump
attitude was crystallized in a breathtakingly nasty and preposterous
statement by Democrat Senator Chris Murphy, who said: “The reason that
we're in the crisis that we are today is not because of anything that
China did. It’s not because of anything the World Health Organization
did. It’s because of what this president did.”
Given the right parameters, it would be possible to take a critical view of everyone involved in the fight and making decisions affecting it, including Trump and his Democrat scientific advisers Fauci and Birx. The one thing we have learned since the virus hit America’s shores is that everyone was wrong at some point, and had to reverse themselves at another. This includes not only the nation’s political leaders, but the scientific experts who were essential elements of the anti-viral battle, and who produced models based on erroneous assumptions that resulted in costly mis-readings of the crisis. But most fair-minded observers, not driven by ulterior political motives would agree that Americans were well-served by dedicated public servants and first responders who devoted themselves to the protection of the nation.
Not so Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff and Chris Murphy, or their partisan media enablers. Whenever Trump has made a decision or drawn a conclusion, these Democrats are primed to pounce. If you think Democrats devote even five seconds to the question of whether Trump’s actions serve the interests of the American people even in so dire a crisis, you haven’t been paying attention to what they were doing in the three years before the virus hit and even in the month of January when it did, which they occupied with a bloody-minded attempt to remove him from office. What these Democrats think about – indeed all they think about - whenever Trump makes a decision is “How can we twist it to destroy him.”
Pelosi’s repeated claim that Trump is responsible for the economic disaster the shut down has produced is a prime example of her one-track vindictiveness. All the shut down orders came from governors, and the most consequential from Democrat governors in New York, California, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Michigan, Louisiana and New Jersey. But the most revealing case of the Democrats’ dedication to destroying Trump is their response to his decision to withhold funding to the World Health Organization (WHO) for its role in helping China create the global coronavirus pandemic. China has denounced this measure as a “genocide,” a ludicrous charge which Democrats’ have done their best to support.
Pelosi called his move “dangerous” and “illegal” and said it would cost lives and be “swiftly challenged.” Then she likened it to the bogus charge Democrats used to impeach Trump, in case anyone missed her intention. Democrat donor Bill Gates piled on: “Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds.” Actually not. After all, this was just withdrawing one nation’s financial support. Senator Ted Cruz immediately calculated that Gates’ $107 billion personal fortune would make up the deficit caused by the U.S. withdrawal for 27 years, if it was that important. The U.S. contributes $400 million annually to WHO., about 10 times what the Chinese give. So if it really amounted to a genocide against the Chinese or other peoples, China could stop it by simply paying its fair share.
But let’s look at the reasons Trump took the action. The evidence suggests that China developed the disease in its Wuhan virology laboratory, setting off a contagion in Wuhan itself. This breakout occurred in December. Although China knew the virus was intensely contagious, its officials assured the world that it was not transmittable from human to human. China was backed in this deadly lie by WHO through its director, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Tedros owed his U.N. position to the Chinese dictator Xi.
China then permitted the citizens of Wuhan to hold a Lunar New Year’s celebration involving crowds that were numbered in the tens of thousands. It also allowed 5 million citizens of Wuhan to leave the city and then travel - along with anyone they may have infected - outside of China and around the world to celebrate the Lunar New Year abroad.
At this point, what may have originated as a lab accident became a calculated biological war against the rest of the world. Tedros and the World Health Organization, whose alleged purpose is to keep the international community safe from deadly viruses covered for the Chinese Communists, and enabled the spread of the virus which has resulted in 150,000 deaths and counting.
Who is director Tedros? According to The Hill, he is not a medical doctor and had no global health management experience before China shoe-horned him into the director’s seat at WHO. According to The Hill – a publication with which Nancy Pelosi is surely familiar - Tedros is an Ethiopian communist and terrorist, who served in the infamous Marxist dictatorship known as the Derg, which slaughtered thousands of its subjects. He went on to serve as an executive member of the Tigray Liberation Front, an organization listed in the Global Terrorism database, and as Ethiopia’s foreign minister – that is, for a country known as “Little China,” because the Chinese Communists have invested in it so heavily and made it a strategic bridge in their imperialist designs on the African continent. Just as they have made the World Health Organization a strategic bridge in their designs on the rest of the world.
I am myself a Trump admirer because when Trump sees a problem as dangerous and deadly as this he attempts to do something about it. He doesn’t sweep it under the rug, and embrace the deceptions of our enemies, and use them to destroy his political rivals as Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats do.
David Horowitz is the author of Blitz: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win. Pub date June 2.
Given the right parameters, it would be possible to take a critical view of everyone involved in the fight and making decisions affecting it, including Trump and his Democrat scientific advisers Fauci and Birx. The one thing we have learned since the virus hit America’s shores is that everyone was wrong at some point, and had to reverse themselves at another. This includes not only the nation’s political leaders, but the scientific experts who were essential elements of the anti-viral battle, and who produced models based on erroneous assumptions that resulted in costly mis-readings of the crisis. But most fair-minded observers, not driven by ulterior political motives would agree that Americans were well-served by dedicated public servants and first responders who devoted themselves to the protection of the nation.
Not so Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff and Chris Murphy, or their partisan media enablers. Whenever Trump has made a decision or drawn a conclusion, these Democrats are primed to pounce. If you think Democrats devote even five seconds to the question of whether Trump’s actions serve the interests of the American people even in so dire a crisis, you haven’t been paying attention to what they were doing in the three years before the virus hit and even in the month of January when it did, which they occupied with a bloody-minded attempt to remove him from office. What these Democrats think about – indeed all they think about - whenever Trump makes a decision is “How can we twist it to destroy him.”
Pelosi’s repeated claim that Trump is responsible for the economic disaster the shut down has produced is a prime example of her one-track vindictiveness. All the shut down orders came from governors, and the most consequential from Democrat governors in New York, California, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Michigan, Louisiana and New Jersey. But the most revealing case of the Democrats’ dedication to destroying Trump is their response to his decision to withhold funding to the World Health Organization (WHO) for its role in helping China create the global coronavirus pandemic. China has denounced this measure as a “genocide,” a ludicrous charge which Democrats’ have done their best to support.
Pelosi called his move “dangerous” and “illegal” and said it would cost lives and be “swiftly challenged.” Then she likened it to the bogus charge Democrats used to impeach Trump, in case anyone missed her intention. Democrat donor Bill Gates piled on: “Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds.” Actually not. After all, this was just withdrawing one nation’s financial support. Senator Ted Cruz immediately calculated that Gates’ $107 billion personal fortune would make up the deficit caused by the U.S. withdrawal for 27 years, if it was that important. The U.S. contributes $400 million annually to WHO., about 10 times what the Chinese give. So if it really amounted to a genocide against the Chinese or other peoples, China could stop it by simply paying its fair share.
But let’s look at the reasons Trump took the action. The evidence suggests that China developed the disease in its Wuhan virology laboratory, setting off a contagion in Wuhan itself. This breakout occurred in December. Although China knew the virus was intensely contagious, its officials assured the world that it was not transmittable from human to human. China was backed in this deadly lie by WHO through its director, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Tedros owed his U.N. position to the Chinese dictator Xi.
China then permitted the citizens of Wuhan to hold a Lunar New Year’s celebration involving crowds that were numbered in the tens of thousands. It also allowed 5 million citizens of Wuhan to leave the city and then travel - along with anyone they may have infected - outside of China and around the world to celebrate the Lunar New Year abroad.
At this point, what may have originated as a lab accident became a calculated biological war against the rest of the world. Tedros and the World Health Organization, whose alleged purpose is to keep the international community safe from deadly viruses covered for the Chinese Communists, and enabled the spread of the virus which has resulted in 150,000 deaths and counting.
Who is director Tedros? According to The Hill, he is not a medical doctor and had no global health management experience before China shoe-horned him into the director’s seat at WHO. According to The Hill – a publication with which Nancy Pelosi is surely familiar - Tedros is an Ethiopian communist and terrorist, who served in the infamous Marxist dictatorship known as the Derg, which slaughtered thousands of its subjects. He went on to serve as an executive member of the Tigray Liberation Front, an organization listed in the Global Terrorism database, and as Ethiopia’s foreign minister – that is, for a country known as “Little China,” because the Chinese Communists have invested in it so heavily and made it a strategic bridge in their imperialist designs on the African continent. Just as they have made the World Health Organization a strategic bridge in their designs on the rest of the world.
I am myself a Trump admirer because when Trump sees a problem as dangerous and deadly as this he attempts to do something about it. He doesn’t sweep it under the rug, and embrace the deceptions of our enemies, and use them to destroy his political rivals as Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats do.
David Horowitz is the author of Blitz: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win. Pub date June 2.
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